Monday, April 23, 2012 sense..

A blue frog goes to kiss a wavering dog.
Hot, steamy surprise cloud
the mind of the fellow to
swing the soft rock.

His eyes set on the moon cause
Bruises to the sharpness of the leather
Curving his never ending belief.
Again and again, he burns.

Sharp Mud ruins important
Slag. Cool, red throat bite the stinging, tough toes.
Cutting and cutting at a leather dog
That’s trying to kiss a blue frog.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Class, class, class.

Literature, oh literature. The dreadfulness of essay after essay, notes, poems, poetry, it's all simply not my cup of tea. But somehow I managed to enjoy English 1102. It was a challenge to complete all assignments on time and some seemed pointless but ended up giving insight to the next class. Nevertheless, I loved the engaging conversations in the classroom and the ability to speak openly about very opinionated topics. We were able to do this since order of the class was always kept in line.

I struggle to understand all of the grading. The class participation points seem to be hard to obtain as several in the class are VERY outspoken and have something to say about every topic. The opinions of others sometimes kept me quiet. I wish more opportunities to gain points were given such as reading the plays out loud or other options. I also wish more feedback was given on rough drafts in order to give the writer a better sense of a direction to go in so that more points would be gained on final draft essays. But the feedback we did receive was better than none and more than most professors would give.

I enjoyed the blog. This kind of gave students a way to express another side of them. It even gave lead way into the emotions and creativity of students as it provided a less structured assignment, placing the reins of the ideas in the students’ hands.  

All in all, English 1102 was a fantastic class. The class combined conversation with the required aspects of the course. Mrs. Lindberg is an incredible, understanding professor who is dedicated to her students. Thanks for a great class! Wish you were teaching one more English class to help reach graduation! :)

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

A Foal

A foal is a fool for he plays to much.

He takes seconds to graze but
months to learn.

He yearlings for years to perform at best but
plays before rest.

A foal is a fool for he plays to much.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


When someone tells you something you generally believe them. It's not often you find someone you trust in a lie. Well at least this is what I thought until I encountered a hypocrite. This is also when I came to the conclusion that some people are all talk and will do anything to make a particular group favor them or even for simple attention. Other the past few years, I have grown to love a job; theurpuetic riding. It's not something I even few as a job and often work for the emotional fulfillment or physical connections I am able to make with special needs children. One of these connections was with a guy called Bo. I meet him at a church gathering when he was boasting about a riding program he ran! Come to find out the farm he was speaking of was the farm I worked for. Being someone who hates controversy, I simply smiled and walked away. But under my smile and within my thoughts were many ugly words. This individual was literally taking ALL the credit that my co workers and I had earned. He was spitting out statics right and left about the turnout of his program! While all the people listening stood, listening, and applauding his hard work, I sat in pure disappointment. This guy had no idea what went on at the farm. Our mission was to rescue horses to rehabilitate children. His mission was to throw away any person that couldn't function "normally." when I finally spoke up, I simply asked what is normal? He looked puzzled. I said " because I have been working for the program who speak of for over 3 years and we have nothing close to normal. Every chd comes to us longing to be perfect. They have physical, emotional, or even mental challenges. They struggle to be normal so they don't get trashed by people like you. And as for our horses, they are far from average or "normal." even one of them have been given a second chance. They were horses who were going to be trashed but instead they have become exceptional characters who save lives of more people than you convince with you lies. So next time you go to brag about a farm you have never even been to, you may want to check who your talking to." The gentlemen had no response. I suppose this is not a direct example of hypocrisy but to me it is the definition of lying and betrayal. Everyone should be what they speak.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Enough is Enough

Life? Life is full of journeys and learning experiences. I have learned to live by the quote “Everything happens for a reason.” I have a strong faith and try to remain close to my God. But why must we go through trial after trial when some seem so unnecessary? Does everything really happen for a reason?
Life is about learning, love and fulfilling enjoyment. It’s about giving our best at everything we engage in and passing along happiness to those around us. But if this is true why must tragedies happen? Why must ones we love pass away? Most say it’s to teach us to cherish moments and love more courageously. This to me is not an acceptable answer.
It makes me afraid to love, afraid to attach myself to those who surround me, and afraid to make my life a part of someone else’s for fear of hurting them. For three years, I tried to keep everything to myself because of a four lettered word; fear. Fear causes actions, actions cause reactions. The action of losing someone caused me to attempt to hold everything inside.  Until I was reminded that life is a journey with a purpose of learning…..with ups, downs and maybe even some upside down circumstances. It takes bad times to make you appreciate the good ones. It takes admitting a mistake to realize you have a problem.
No matter the problem, you always have to remember that someone, somewhere always has a bigger issue with more outstanding conditions that are unmatched to your own. Pain is only temporary but pride, promise, and love are forever. Always tell the ones you love how you feel and always provide happiness to yourself and others. Never underestimate the power of the Lord. I’ll never understand hurt or fear but after all it’s just a journey...  


Wednesday, February 29, 2012

What are You Trying to Sell?

What is a salesman? To me, it is simply someone who must educate you on a product and then convince you that you MUST have it. Therefore, in a sense we are all salesmen. We are all trying to sell ourselves in some way. Whether we are selling our personalities or interest to fit in or possibly selling ourselves to friends that they can't live without us. Maybe even to our significant other that they need us for help to get through each day with passion and love.
But with that being said, in "Death of a Salesman" a whole new meaning is approached. Willy is a salesman, and his neighbor Charley tells him, “the only thing you got in this world is what you can sell” (1256). Willy doesn't recognize this. All he thrives off of is his past and gets angry because he has nothing to sell. Men were defined by their job in the 1940's. They didn't have much of a relationship with family or children. It was simply money. I believe that Charley is trying to help Willy find himself in the life he is really in. Willy seems to be so wrapped up in his emotions and past relationships along with mistakes that he has nothing left to sell.

Today, this statement changes to something different. The world is centered on wants more so than needs. People want anything anyone has to sell. We take things for granted even in struggling economic times and push the barrier a little further and further concerning relationships and friendships. We sell unnecessary items in order to be better than someone else or to have more stuff to show. Much like Willy, many struggle with shame and guilt from their past but instead of confronting them, individuals will attempt to cover these mistakes and sell the person they choose to present to everyone they meet.

I guess, to me, everything, every day is simply just a sale nobody wants to miss.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Pretty, Pretty Personalities

To me, personality is the most important aspect of a story. A personality is the particular combination of emotional, attitudinal and behavioral response pattern of individual.  It can be effected by the personalities of other characters and influence the decisions they make. With that being said, I would like to analyze the characters in Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller.
Willy, the father, seems as though he is insecure and contradicts much of what he says. He also would rather reminisce and attempt to relive the past then enjoy the present. However, Willy does give insight and encourage at moments through Act. I would cast Opera for his position. Ever since Opera went off the air, she has been in and out of the television land. Many times you can catch her smiling and laughing without even having a show. But much like Willy, she snaps back into the present and begins to complain about how much she dislikes one thing or another like Willy does at the beginning of the play about the farm. Not to mention, Opera has the attitude and voice to complete the package for the part.
Now Biff. Biff was a high school super star and loved by almost every woman! This definitely relates to Channing Tatum. They were both extremely popular anywhere and everywhere they go. Not to mention, catching ladies eyes on every corner and capturing their hearts. Much like Willy caught the heart of his wife Linda.
Linda is a sweetheart. She keeps the family from going insane and holds Willy’s hand when he is in the present or the past. She is extremely loyal and hopes for Willy success and promise.  Casting a movie, I would place Cameron Diaz. A very sweet and sophisticated lady that matches this with her beauty brings the sweetness to film much like Linda does in the drama. They are both good for a laugh every now and then too!
Placing a personality to a person is easy when the person is known in real life. In stories or plays, this duty is given to the author. As represented above, I easily found personality traits in every character. Now, placing them to a movie star is hardly this easy as I am dumfounded when it comes to knowing the names of ANY movie stars…but I took my assumptions and tiny facts and made a blog!